Electric Vehicle Development (EVD) Solution
Equalis has decades of electric machine and control development experience to help you implement all of your state-of-the-art electric driveline programs
We are here to help you with all your electrical or mechanical infrastructure development tasks

DC Power Re-circulation Systems
AC Power Re-circulation Systems
Non Regenerative Systems
Certification Level Sensors, Data Collection and Control
Electric Machine and Control Modelling and Quantification
Equalis Applications included:
Equalis Switch Control Center (SCC) distributes DC power throughout your laboratory with control, flexibility, and safety of paramount importance
Our Embedded Coder module provides total control and management of your high performance variables, such as torque, speed, voltage and current
Equalis Data Acquisition and Control Systems (DAC)
Equalis DAC enables collection and management of various other variables such as voltages, currents, pressures, temperatures, etc
This module allows fast and convenient data viewing and modification from a single or multiple time-based systems